| 1. | More than once they had helped us through hard times . 他们不止一次帮助我们度过难关。 |
| 2. | More than once she discovered his eyes dwelling on her . 她不止一次地发现他的眼睛在打量她。 |
| 3. | Ruth was exhausted and more than once lost her temper . 路丝被搞得精疲力竭,不止一次地在发雷霆。 |
| 4. | We can see whether any values appear more than once in the array . 可以看出数列中每一个值的出现是否多于一次。 |
| 5. | I have more than once seen madame curie nibbling two thin rounds of sausage . 我不止一次地看到居里夫人只啃两条细小的腊肠。 |
| 6. | I have saved my life more than once before by presence of mind and quickness . 我以前,由于头脑冷静,行动敏捷不止一次化险为夷。 |
| 7. | More than once i've unearthed a nasty scandalbrought it into the open . 我不止一次地揭发人家的丑事把他们暴露在光天化日之下。 |
| 8. | In august, i confess, the thought of suicide more than once crossed my own mind . 我承认,自杀的念头在8月间也曾不止一次掠过我自己的心头。 |
| 9. | More than once a contractor had put on enough sand to raise the street to official grade . 承建商曾不只一次铺设大量的砂子将街道提高到规定的标高。 |
| 10. | He had a wide grin and fresh face that looked as if it hardly needed shaving more than once a week . 他笑容可掬,精神焕发;看上去一星期刮一次脸也就够了。 |